Happy Halloween…

Latest Fad…Rolled Icecream

Summer at the beach…

Near Ted’s place…


Happy Birthday!

Almost one year ago…

All five grandkids!

Information about Pandzik photograph…

I tried to comment on the family farm  based portrait taken on an easter sunday, probably. Your date of 1918 my be a little off. I think it is more likely to be about 1932. Mother is wearing more urban attire.

This is a sharp reminder of our agrian peasant roots which which we all should be proud of. The scene pictured here is truly still deeply embedded in 19th century russian peasant culture.. this is not rural poverty..
Grand pa loved his horses and took every opportunity to show them off. He still went to Barnsville, a village some 20 miles west of his Cats Run farm well into the 1960’s. He was an eccentric. A natural. Grandma and Grandpa lived apart for almost 40 years. Apart but in close proximity.

It is important to note all the boys are barefooted. You got to wear shoes in the winter or when you went to school to attend 4th grade.


Chef’s blog…

Baked Mediterranean Cod with lemon butter and garlic

Approximately 1932…

Pandzik Family (Eugenia 1909-2001 on horse)

A Scary Time

Linzy Lab